Breathe Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios For the Soul

Do you ever think about how you breathe when you sew? Breathing is a useful tool for maintaining a relaxed, clear state of mind, and the good news is that it is within our control to regulate it. 

Being aware of the breath is a great way to bring yourself to the present. As you breathe, focus on the senses. Start with the breath itself. Is it shallow or forced? Hurried or relaxed? Feel the air move through your nose, into your throat and down to your chest. As you focus, do you hold the air longer? Now let it out. Repeat.

As you breathe, start to focus on the other senses. What does the fabric feel like underneath your fingers? Take note of the way the colors of the fabrics play off of one another before your eyes. Recognize the hum of the sewing machine as you sew and the sound of the steam as it sizzles in the iron.

If you are working too quickly, focusing on the breath will slow you down and bring you back to the beauty of the creative process.

You don’t have to focus on the breath for long: even just a minute can help bring you back to a state of awareness. But taking time to concentrate on the breath while sewing can bring a presence to your sewing process that you may not have previously recognized. 

If your machine is not cooperating, you’ve made a mistake, or you are feeling frustrated, just breathe. It will calm your mind so that you can problem-solve. Breathing can give you the pause you need to remember that you’ve actually dealt with a similar situation before, and that you already have the skills you need to solve this issue.

Need help getting into a rhythm? This video can help.


