If you follow me on Instagram, then you may already know that I am requesting blocks made by women from across the world for a new quilt idea. You probably also know that today is International Women’s Day. It is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It is also a day that marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. In celebration of how *AMAZING* we are as women, I am asking for YOUR HELP in creating a quilt that acknowledges and honors ourselves and the equality we deserve. I’m calling it the In Our Own Words Quilt. I am looking to collect blocks from as many women as possible with a hand-stitched word of empowerment that describes YOU as a woman. My word is RESILIENT. What will yours be? ****Details: blocks should be 3.5” x 6.5” with a word stitched in black on a white fabric background. Blocks can be sent to me at: Kim Soper, PO Box 214, Centerport, NY 11721 **** This quilt will serve as a reminder that in spite of inequality and the events leading to the #metoo movement, we are so many things besides victims. We are workers, caretakers, survivors and creators who deserve to have our voices heard and our merits celebrated. We are strong, powerful, beautiful, talented, kickass. . . the list is endless. Across the globe, women are the fabric that weave together families and communities, and our quilts are a way to physically express our creativity, love, fellowship and political voice. I hope you’ll send me a block in a showing of solidarity for all that we are and all that we contribute to the world! Please feel free to share this post, or my posts on Instagram or Facebook with others. The more blocks I can collect, the stronger this message will be. Thank you in advance! SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave