Sounds of the Winter Leland Ave Studios/Kim Soper

If you’ve been reading this blog from the beginning, then you would know about these Charley Harper birds. They were the first blocks I ever blogged about, and went through quite a number of transformations before I settled on this final design.

Leland Ave Studios/Kim Soper
If you stuck with me over time, then you would know the tree went through its own metamorphosis, and that creating these improv pieced branches was the gateway drug that led me to attempt Lincoln.
sounds of winter detail Leland Ave Studios/Kim Soper
Once the quilt top was finished, I had a vision for how I wanted it to be quilted. I wanted wind, and phantom birds, and lots and lots of movement. But I also knew that I didn’t have the skills to make it happen. So, in a pile it sat for years, until this year, when I decided that I may never have the skills to make my vision happen. And that is okay.

Sounds of the Winter Leland Ave Studios/Kim SoperSo off it went to the incredibly-talented and amazing Shelly Pagliai and voila! A fabulous finished quilt!

Sounds of the Winter Leland Ave Studios/Kim Soper

I can’t believe I waited so long!

Sounds of the Winter Leland Ave Studios/Kim Soper
Because finished is better than perfect!

