The Long Island Modern Quilt Guild does not meet over the summer months. So we usually set up some sort of swap for members to work on over the break. This makes the return in September something to look forward to — we get to reconnect with one another and get prizes! This year’s theme was a rainbow mini swap. When I hear rainbow, I usually think Alison Glass, so I raided my stash for as many AG prints as I could find.
Alison Glass Rainbow Mini by Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

I assembled the scraps into a star-shape known as the “Arkansas Crossroad” in my book of 1000 Great Quilt Blocks by Maggi McCormick Gordon. I quilted it with a simple horizontal and vertical cross-hatch 1/2″ apart.Alison Glass Rainbow Mini by Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios


The final size of the mini quilt is 16″x16″. I really love how it turned out, so I hope my swap partner will be happy! If you’d like, you can check out some of the other minis made by our members on IG with the hashtag #limqgrainbowminiswap

Hope your summer sewing has been going well, or if you’re like me, your back to school catch-up sewing! It’s been a game-changer to have all three boys in school for a full day – – I’ve gotten so much accomplished! I can’t wait to share it all with you over the coming weeks, so stay tuned!