
Its been a long time. A really long time. I have had no way to post about QuiltCon without feeling just the slightest bit embarrassed — like I was tooting my own horn or something. Every time I started to write about what really was amazing about QuiltCon — the quilts, the people, meeting my dear friend Michelle in person, getting to hear lectures and attend classes with teachers I’ve admired for ages, touring the SCAD fiber department, exploring a beautiful, historical city that  I’ve never been to before, having lunch at The Olde Pink House, sew-lebrity stalking, taking a vacation by myself!!! — every time I started to write, I would get caught up in having to address. . .  the ribbons. And then I felt like I was bragging. So I would stop writing. And then I never did.

So, after months have passed, I realize that that was kind of stupid. Like anyone cares! Everyone that reads my blog is so nice!! What am I worried about anyway?? Why let my blog sit idle because of fear. What a waste. of. time.

And that’s why I’m going to share some of my favorite moments about QuiltCon with you. And if you were there, you probably already shared some of these same favorite things (months ago, because YOU, unlike moi, are timely!). And if you weren’t there, then you probably saw all of this on other people’s blogs and you are so over it. But I’m gonna show ya anyway!

So without further ado, here is a play-by-play of my first ever QuiltCon. . .

8am that first morning. THIS HAPPENED! And yes, I am epically dorking out because Jacquie Gering hugged me and then handed me a handwritten note– from her!

Leland Ave Studios/Kim Soper

(Let’s just pretend that the humidity in Savannah wasn’t atrocious for my hair — and that I look adorable holding my name tag with my little ribbon — instead of like Donald Trump on an airport runway.)

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Immediately following the awards ceremony, I went straight into a 9 hour class with Heidi Parkes. (Secret: The class was awesome, but I didn’t do my best focusing in that class because I was really, really excited!!!!).

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

So the next morning when I woke up, it really sank in. I AM ON VACATION! I didn’t have to tie anyone’s shoes or ask anyone to go to the bathroom before I left the room! It was incredible!

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Michelle and I took a trolley tour of the city, and, as I’m sure you’ve heard. Savannah’s architecture is amazing.

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

In the afternoon I took a guided tour of the Savannah College of Art and Design. This is a total highlight of the trip. Not only was the fiber department so inspiring (read: I was so jealous and wanted to go back to school for art so badly!) but I had an awesome group to tour SCAD with! I met so many awesome people on the tour: Hillary @entropyalwayswins, Laura @sonicstitches, Laura @laurahartrich, Valerie @valbetweenquilts, Betsy @betsy.vinegrad and so many others. Seriously, if you aren’t following these ladies already, then you need to be.

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

This exhibit by Chiharu Shiota called Infinity Lines was nothing short of incredible. It was like walking through the womb — and entirely made of red yarn!

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

After touring SCAD’s art museum and the fiber exhibit, we viewed the Pamela Wiley show and, HUGE BONUS, Pamela happened to be there!

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

That’s Pamela talking to Hillary — double sewlebrity experience — head explodes.

Here’s a view of the hotel from the other side of the river. Because, vacation.

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Me with my quilt.

Leland Ave Studios/Kim Soper

Here’s Michelle with her quilt in the show, Mix and Mingle. (p.s. – i’m convinced she totally color-coordinated her outfit to the quilt so that she’d look even cuter in this pic! Don’t you??)

Leland Ave Studios/Kim Soper
Later that afternoon, I finally toured the vendor booths. I really love this quilt by Jen Kingwell.
Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

And this paper airplane quilt in the Windham Fabrics booth.

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Here’s a stalker photo I took of Anna Maria Horner, because I am a wimp and wouldn’t actually go up and meet her.

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Adorable pincushions from the French General booth. I purchased an embroidery piece and some hand-dyed sashiko threads – my only real purchase of the trip. 
Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Here’s a picture of QuiltCon volunteer and sewlebrity himself Dan Rouse @dsrouse showing the back of my quilt to someone.

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

The Olde Pink House is a legendary institution in Savannah and I was adamant I was eating there at least once. It did not disappoint.

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Allow me to detail this awesomeness for you: Thats a BLT salad made with a fried green tomato, buttermilk dressing and chicken added on. It rocked my world.

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Selfie on the bridge with Michelle (@frombolttobeauty) and Megan (@sweetfeetstitches)

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

And a shot of the ginormous freight ships that would pass our hotel window at least once, if not twice, a day.
Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Finally, it was time to head home. Here’s me looking like a goober bawling my eyes out when my kids ran to greet me at the airport.

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

And here’s me looking like a goober again when Elizabeth Dackson called to tell me that at that moment, Windham Fabrics was pinning the People’s Choice Award ribbon on my quilt.

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Unreal. It was probably one of the most amazing moments of my life — you know, aside from all those other amazing milestones like getting married, becoming a mom, etc. Truly.

Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

And there you have it. My version of QuiltCon 2017 only 1,000 months after it happened!

Leland Ave Studios/Kim Soper

Since QuiltCon, Lincoln has been a part of the Best of QuiltCon 2017 Traveling Show. He’s already been to a few US shows and to Australia(!) and is next headed to the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show in Sisters, Oregon.

I’m also excited to share that Lincoln will be a part of the Modern Quilt Guild’s first book Modern Quilts: Designs of the New Century to be released in December 2017 but available for pre-order now.

He also has been featured in two magazines: QuiltCon Magazine (2017)  and Modern Patchwork (May/June 2017) which also features an interview with yours truly and is available on newsstands now!