feather mini quilt by Kim Soper/Leland Ave Studios

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” — Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

Summer. I wait for it all year long. I adore it so much that I awake early to watch its sunrise and will get out of bed in the middle of the night to see its perseids. I live it so thoroughly that two months can go by and I won’t even notice that time is marching forward. I’m in Summer-Mom mode. I’m zen, baby! I’m in the summer-moment! But as I purchased the kids’ school supplies yesterday, the realization sank in that we will be back to the routine of school and sports before we know it.

Which, then reminded me, that I need to fill you in on some of the things that have been going on around here. . . Because, while I haven’t been in this space documenting my happenings, things have been happening, nonetheless!

The first bit of news is that I am now the president of the Long Island Modern Quilt Guild. We’re looking to grow the guild and to join as an official chapter of the National MQG. We’re moving to a new location, meeting on a new day of the week, we have a new logo, and have hosted some charity events and fundraisers. It’s been exciting — and a lot of work! One of the fundraisers that we will be holding this week, is a raffle for mini-quilts that were made by our board members. The feather (above) is my contribution.

This mini quilt measures approx. 12″ x 20″ and was entirely improv-pieced based on a feather from the Painted Dreamcatcher pattern by Sarah Elizabeth of {no} hats in the house. Her pattern is paper pieced, which is not really my jam. So I improvised and came up with this.

All of the board members made their minis from the same group of fabrics so that when they hang together, they will look like a cohesive collection. I think it’s going to be great, and fingers crossed, it will be a successful fundraiser for the guild!

Other than the feather, I’ve been continuing to plug away at Lincoln, as well as working on some other charity projects, like this and this. I’ll also be participating in the Cloud 9 New Block Blog Hop, so look for that post on Monday, September 12th. And be sure to check out all of the amazing blocks created by all of the participants in this event! The fabric is seriously gorgeous, so I think it’s going to be an exceptional hop!

2016 New Quilt Bloggers

Hope you are having an amazing summer. What have you been up to? What are you doing to savor these last days of summery goodness? I’d love to hear!