Happy New Year!Have you seen the resolution link party going on at Quilting Jet Girl? Yep, it’s right up my alley! There’s nothing I love more than planning and dreaming about the year ahead, and how I’d like to learn, grow, and improve! So that’s why the time between Christmas and New Year’s is one of my favorites. I make tons of lists — and try to get everyone in the family to get as excited about it as I do (note: it doesn’t always work!). This year, we came up with an overall theme for our family. It’s not quite the “one word” theme as suggested by Gretchen Rubin, but on that same order. For 2015, that theme is Kindness: To Ourselves and Others. I also made a 2015 Bucket List of sorts — things I’d like to try this year. Places I’d like to visit, events I’d like to attend, things I’d like to see or do. Some are for us as a family, some for date nights, and this quilty list is just for me!

1. FMQ. It’s time to tackle this beast. I’ve been a chicken about it for a while (this was on 2014’s list, too! oops!), but I’m hoping 2015 is the year to face the fear.

2. Curves. This is another one I really want to get a handle on. There are many designs in my mind that I’d like to be able to execute once I can sew a curved line. I’m hoping Rachel’s Curves Class will be my ticket to becoming a curvy goddess! (wink, wink!)

3. Paper Piecing. I started tackling it this year — a few of my bee blocks and BOM blocks were paper pieced. I’ve got the gist, but I still get confused and will put a piece on backward or not cut it big enough to cover the template!

4. Public Speaking. Wait, whaaaa? How’s this quilting related? Well, at my local guild, I’m heading up programming for the year. And I have to announce the projects for the meetings. Not only do I stress about having to do it, but I know for a fact, I am terrible at it! I am so nervous that I forget important details, I stumble my words, it’s just a debacle. I’m not sure how (so if you have any tips, I’m all ears!), but I’m going to get this under control!

5. Slow Sewing. Over the holidays, we had the chance to slow things down. In doing so, I picked up my abandoned embroidery project and realized how enjoyable hand-sewing can be! I’d like to try a full cloth quilt like this, maybe even an appliqué project before the end of the year!

6. Charity Sewing. Even though I’m a part of do. Good Stitches, I’d also like to make at least one charity quilt on my own, to be raffled off at my sons’ preschool fundraiser.

7. Inspired by Art. I’d like to start a series here to explore different project ideas that are inspired by modern artist. Similar to my pillow project.

8. Attend a Retreat. I know it would be a sacrifice for my husband to watch the kids for a weekend while I was away, but I would love to have the chance to sew uninterrupted for a weekend while learning from others.

9. Make a Quilt for my Sister. I’m thinking something with Carolyn Friedlander’s Doe.

10. Start Holiday Gifts – In June! Maybe then I can actually finish on time!

11. Make a List of People I’d like to Meet. And then do everything I can do to make it happen.

12. Write a Pattern. This one is low down on the list because I’m not sure I’m ready for this to happen, but I’m hoping I will surprise myself with growth as the year progresses. A year is a long time!

13. Host a Giveaway. This scares me the most. Again, maybe as the year goes on. . .

14. Take a Drawing Class. I need help with my doodling! I’m looking at this Lisa Congdon class on Creative Bug.

15. Take a Painting Class. I’d love to learn about color using a different medium. There are Paint n’ Sip nights at a local art store here in town, so if I could get a friend to join me, I think it could be a blast!

And there you have it folks! If you stuck with me for all 15 then you are truly a friend, and I’m counting on you to hold me to it! I like to take out my lists once every few months to reassess/see how I’m progressing. So hopefully we will revisit the list sometime at the end of March and I’ll have a few notches under my belt!

And now, it’s your turn. Are there things that you hope to work on in 2015? I’d love to hear your plans — both sewing and non-sewing related! Happy New Year to you, friends!