gypsy wife HST blocks

Baby steps around here this week. Made some progress on the sewing room/guest room, a few gypsy wife blocks, and my October do. Good Stitches blocks.

October do. Good Stitches.

(If they look familiar, it’s cuz they are — we made these same blocks in a different color-way back in May).

In between the rain this weekend, we headed down to PA for some apple and pumpkin picking with friends at Frecon Farms.


It’s beginning to feel like fall around here, in spite of the 75 degree days.

Fall Leaves

The leaves are changing, there is apple sauce in the oven, and the air conditioners are out of the windows. Last night the boys were jokingly singing Christmas carols and I didn’t mind a bit. I’m ready for you, fall!

Getting back to things sewing-related, I finally started to put my Gypsy Wife blocks up on the design board together and I am a bit perplexed. gypsy wife progress

There’s more white/cream than I remember, and I’m afraid it’s too stark a contrast against the earlier blocks that I made that are darker and more saturated. What do you think? Would you remake any of them? I’m on the fence, hoping I can pull it together and make it feel cohesive but not too matchy-match in the end. I’m all ears for any tips you might have for me going forward!

Hope you are having a fantastic week!

I’m linking up with Freshly Pieced and Sew Fresh Quilts.