Indian HatchetI’ve been dabbling this week. A little here, a little there, making a few blocks for gypsy wife, attaching the bindings on two other quilts, and putting the back together for Diamonds in the Deep. A little of this, a little of that and slowly but surely things are getting done.

Puss in the Corner

Puss in the Corner with border

I also received my fabric for the Tone It Down low-volume fabric swap! (It’s Carolyn Friedlander’s Draft Paper in ivory — isn’t it fun?!?) It’s ready to cut into charm squares and get packaged up for mailing to Michelle at From Bolt to Beauty!

Tone It Down Fabric Swap

Slowly, slowly, I’m chipping away at the goals I have set for myself this month. As the last day of September approaches, I’m feeling good that some finishes are on the horizon. It also feels good to know that I’ll have some mental space free to focus on new projects. I’ve been thinking a lot about what direction I’d like to take my quilting next, and how I’d like to grow and challenge myself. . . now, it’s just a matter of finding the time to fit in everything I’d like to do!

For those who might be interested, you can learn more about the LV swap here. I’m not sure if there are spots left, but you should check it out to see!



Linking up with Freshly Pieced and Sew Fresh Quilts.