Arkansas TravelerWell, first, just a big old hello! I had to dust off the old sewing machine, and give her a nice oiling before I could even get started on this month’s do. Good Stitches blocks. I procrastinated big time. I knew these blocks, using Lee’s tutorial, were going to challenge me in lots of ways. And I knew I would struggle. And it’s summer. . . who wants to struggle? So, wait, I did. Until they could be put off no more!

Arkansas Traveler

These blocks involved two things I had never done before:

1) 60 degree diamonds. Up until this point I had a dog-ear allergy. But thanks to Lee’s well-written tutorial, and lots of patience (and air conditioning for my profuse sweating), I managed to sew the diamonds together with points in-tact and me high-fiving a million angels.

Arkansas Traveler

2) paper piecing. Yup. I am a novice paper-piecer. I messed up. I picked stitches that were as tiny as an ant’s elbow. But I pushed through and ended with only one major glitch. I’m sure you can find it if you study the pic below. But I had no clue how to fix it by the time I discovered it, and so I say, Namaste.

Arkansas Traveler

And there you have it folks! Just like that, I’m back! Didja miss me??? I missed you, too! Mwah! I’ll be back again mid-week with pictures to share of my finished Diamonds in the Deep quilt top! Stay tuned! Woo hoo!