I was just lamenting yesterday about all of the unfinished works that I re-discovered languishing in closets and corners of various rooms around the house this past weekend. And then I got a heads up from Michelle (who heard from Audrey) that The Littlest Thistle was hosting a finish-along, which was just the motivation I needed to commit to finishing some of these works-in-progress. What’s funny, is that some of the projects are actually quite close to completion and for some reason never made it to the finish line. So in the words of Billy Eichner: Away. We. Go!

1) My First, But Not My Last, Quilt – A picnic quilt.

My First Quilt - still waiting for a finish

You guys! This is seriously the first quilt I ever made. Kickin’ it old skool circa 2011! I lovingly cut each of my favorite fabrics into a triangle (I had no idea about half-square triangle tricks at the time). I sewed it together and was all like, “I’m gonna quilt it in the same pattern as the chevrons.” And then I realized just how hard that was, as a novice, to do with a twin-sized quilt. So I quietly folded the quilt up and stuck it in the bottom of the linen closet. And there it stayed for three years. It’s totally time to finish this baby up!

2) It’s a Man’s World – Lap quilt.It's a Man's World lap quilt

This is another early work of mine. I was all “I’m gonna make something with quilter’s linens and put a houndstooth flannel on the back.” It was actually inspired by*  this pin. I think it was seriously, like, my third pin ever, and I was smitten. And then when I finished, I realized my squares weren’t perfectly straight. So I got discouraged and quietly folded it up and stuck it on top of the picnic quilt, in the linen closet. I recently took it out and quilted it, imperfections and all. But I still need to pick a fabric for the binding.

(*oh did I say inspired by? I mean I basically tried to replicate. I was new to sewing — forgive me!)

3) LIMOD sampler – size unknown.LIMOD Quilt Blocks

This one is up to me. But I’d like to have it completed by the time our guild reconvenes in September. There are ideas swirling in my head as to how I will tie them all together, but I’m not quite sure as of yet.

I think that’s seriously all I can handle making promises on for now. I’d like to see some more progress on my birds, but there’s another project that I’ve barely started that I’d like to get moving on, too. So the rest I’ll just leave to fate!

Check out all of the fantastic finishes from last quarter, and all the potential for finishes ahead at The Littlest Thistle!