Orange love.

I am excited to tell you, all of the blocks for my orange-y, queen-sized quilt top have been completed! There are a few left to square off before I can choose my layout and start assembling, but the end is near, and I’m not sure if I’m more excited. . . or my husband! Ha! He’s been living this quilt right along with me and I think he’s (rightfully) exhausted! You may remember, I’m making this quilt using a pattern I’m testing (that you are going to LOVE, by the way!!) for the talented Kirsty at Bonjour Quilts. It’s the largest project I’ve ever taken on, to date, and with a timeframe to work in, I’ve been sewing until late each evening to make sure I finish on time!  (er, uh, relatively on time?)

I’m not usually an “orange person” but this year, I don’t think I’ve made a single quilt that didn’t have at least some orange fabric in it. Which leads me to my blocks for June’s do. Good Stitches. It’s a very cool globe-shaped log cabin, which you can see in its entirety by Cath at Wombat Quilts. Doesn’t that look fantastic? Here’s where I’m at so far:

June do. Good Stitches.

Clearly, I need to hustle!

So how about you, do you find yourself in an orange haze this year? Or is it just me? I know Pantone picked Radiant Orchard as it’s color of the year for 2014, but I am convinced it should have been some kind of orange! Amiright?

Okay, and last but not least! At the suggestion of Michelle at From Bolt to Beauty, I’m going to try linking to Lee at Freshly Pieced! My first link party ever. . . so wish me luck!