looking north

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about my home. Specifically our space. How we use it. How much we have in it. How it’s decorated.  I want our home to be a place of comfort, of safety; and I want everything in the home to add value to our lives. I want everything to have a place. And to feel calm, not chaotic. I know that sounds a little ridiculous with three boys ages 5, 3 and 2. (Especially if you read this, which is really accurate – and funny). But, to the extent that this can be achievable (and here’s an article that has some tips for doing so), I want to try. I want to pare down our “stuff.” And make the belongings we have, more meaningful. So far, I’ve been tossing or donating one item a day. It’s been a few weeks, so there’s been some progress, but in full disclosure — it hasn’t made much of a dent!

So, what’s this got to do with quilting you ask? Well, to make an already long story short (sorry!), you may remember that I currently sew at my dining room table. Which is not ideal, because it’s the only table in the house.  It means I have to move my works-in-progress and put them away. A LOT. But I do it, because sewing is my creative and emotional outlet. Amidst the chaos, it brings me calm. But lately. . .that’s just the sewing time. The rest of the time, when I see my machine on the table, and the ironing board out, and pieces of fabric all over the chairs, and I know I’m going to have to move it because it’s almost time to eat. . . well, it stresses me out!

So, can you help a girl out?!?! Please tell me: what are some of your solutions for keeping things related to your sewing manageable and contained? Do you have a dedicated “studio” space in your house? Do you limit yourself to specific-sized projects? a specific-sized stash? or do you have other ways to make sure your sewing doesn’t creep in and overwhelm the non-sewing spaces in your house? I’d love to know!