Oh, despair! My plans for adding lots and lots of flying geese around my Charley Harper blocks has hit a major setback! It looks waaay waaaay too busy. But you might have called that already (face turning red). I thought that these Charley Harper birds were so cute that they could handle a wild goose par-tay surrounding them! But it turns out they are way too serious and serene for such activity. So it’s time for these geese to migrate on out of here (p.s. – I love puns), and now I’m not sure what I’m going to do. I thought that maybe if I toned down the wildness of the flying geese, maybe that could work . . .
but it’s still not quite right. Then I thought maybe I should try black and white geese. There is black and white in each of the prints so maybe that’s an option. Meh.
Finally, I have to say, enough is enough! I have lain awake in bed thinking of these birds far too often. I am comforting myself with the idea that I will try a new array of geese in shades of grey, and that the entire quilt will shift its focus to the far left, bottom corner with movement up to the right. I think that will work. (this makes sense in my head). Stay tuned.
But for right now, I have more pressing sewing issues to get to — namely, a baby quilt for my future nephew — that I’d like to have finished in time for the baby shower toward the end of April. I’m feeling inspired by the Lattice Love Quilt that Bonjour Quilts put together for her nephew. It fits with the geometric theme my brother-in-law and his wife have chosen for the baby’s room. I will hopefully have some work accomplished and ready to share with you after the weekend! Fingers crossed!