One of the reasons I started this space was to (hopefully) connect with other people who love to cut up little pieces of fabric and sew them back together like I do. Even though I feel like there are so many quilters out there, it’s really hard to meet anyone my age and in my area that likes to quilt! Do you have the same problem? So another way I’m trying to meet other quilters is by joining my local quilt guild. After Victoria Findlay Wolfe came to speak at my local quilt shop, they decided to establish a Long Island chapter of the Modern Quilt Guild. So, that is the one I’ve joined. It’s all really new, and we’ve had a lot of snowed-out meetings, so I’m hoping with the spring will come the chance to meet lots of new people!
As guild members, we are each working on a block per month to bring to meetings, each of which are chosen by the Board from the Gen X Quilters’ Quilt Block Library. So far, we’ve completed the Bow Tie block, the Cross Block, the Wonky Star and Stacked Block (you can see mine here). For this month, we have two blocks to work on: The Rainbow Starflower and the Cross Roads.
The tutorials are great, and really easy to follow. My only problem is not knowing what block is coming next — I feel like its hard to make the fabric choices without knowing what type of blocks we’ll be making. I guess I’m a bit of a control freak! To help alleviate some of the guess-work, I’ve decided to use mainly Carolyn Friedlanders Botanics fabrics mixed with coordinating Kona Solids. Since I am not sure what the blocks will look like together, I figured using all the same fabric line will help it to look consistent! Am I being too conservative? I rarely work from all one line of fabric, so even this is making me question my choices. . . hmmmmm.