In Our Own Words. This collaborative project is a celebration of women; of the amazing individual qualities that make us who we are, as well as our strength when we com together as a community.

In Our Own Words Quilt by Kim Smith Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Photo credit: Kathy Hinkaty.

On International Women’s Day, I put out a call, asking women near and far to send me a hand-stitched word of empowerment that best describes them as a woman. The word was to be stitched in black on a white background, 3.5″ x 6.5″. The initial idea was to reference the friendship quilts or signature quilts made by quilters for their friends to mark special occasions.

In Our Own Words Quilt by Kim Smith Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Photo credit: Kathy Hinkaty.

In total, 196 words were collected from across the US and internationally. I received blocks from women in 31 states, and eight countries.

In Our Own Words Quilt by Kim Smith Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Photo credit: Kathy Hinkaty.

The words were then assembled into a quilt where each word was given equal significance. Each word was placed in its own circle, a nod to femininity and the cycles of nature; all of the fabrics used in the quilt are wovens, to represent our soft but unwavering strength; and the courthouse steps design, with the fire at the hearth center, is an homage to quilters past and present and collects all of the individual blocks into one, cohesive unit. Each block is 8″ finished, and there are 14 rows and 14 columns. The quilt finishes at a mighty 112″x112″. It was quilted by the amazingly talented Shelly Pagliai of Prairie Moon Quilts.

In Our Own Words Quilt by Kim Smith Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Photo credit: Kathy Hinkaty.

Below is the list of women that contributed a word(s). I am still adding names to the list where possible. Some of you sent words collected from other women without names, so as I learn more names I will add them here. If you see your name and it is incorrect, you would like to add a name, or you would like to remain anonymous, please just email me and I will honor any requests.

Names are listed below in alphabetical order by first name (where available).

Alexis Deise

Alice Pappas

Alyssa Talamo

Amy Slear

Andrea Tsang Jackson

Angela Covelli

Ashley Howe

Barbara Fisher

Barbara Hanaburgh

Barbara L. Wright

Barbara Ringel

Bri Winford

Candy Barnes

Carman Attie

Carol Wood

Cass Roberts


Charlotte Noll

Cindy Tonkin

Photo credit: Kathy Hinkaty.

Colette Moscrop

Colleen Breaux

Colleen Haggerty

Connie Griner

Danice Gentle

Darrel Rob

Debbie Grifka

Deborah Fisher

Denise Flowers

Devanie Fergus

Diana Vandeyar

Elaine Westmacott

Elizabeth Ray

Elizabeth Sovern

Emily Nudge

Fran Slear

Gayla Spurlock

Hayley Crawford

Heather Taylor

Helen Beall

Ingrid Duffy

Isabella Vitucci

In Our Own Words Quilt by Kim Smith Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Photo credit: Kathy Hinkaty.

Jackie Alvo

Jan Brown

Jane Stokes

Janet Coe

Janice Bailor

Jen Broemel

Jen Touart

Jennifer Baker

Jessica Picarillo

Jessica Skultety

Jill Stafford

Jill Slear

Joanne Simone

Julie Tchinnis

Karen Daum

Karen Daum (for her daughter)

Karen Duling

Karen Wooley

Karin Jordan

Kasey Daniel

Kate Godfrey

Kathleen Baden

In Our Own Words Quilt by Kim Smith Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Photo credit: Kathy Hinkaty.

Kathy Cook

Kathy Dunkle

Kathy Dunkle (for Amy Smith)

Kelly Fox

Kim Benes

Kim Soper

Kimberly Marcus

Kyona Nason

LaDonna Benes c/o Kim Benes

Laura Martin

Laura Smith

Linda Schroeder

Lora Riordan

Lorraine Lucas

Luz Reyes

Luz Reyes (for her daughter Camille)

Luz Reyes (for her niece Nena)

Luz Reyes (for her niece Sara)

Luz Reyes (for her niece Tania)

Luz Reyes (for her sister Claudia)

Luz Reyes (for her sister Miryam)

Margaret Cibulsky

Margaret Swan

Maria Gardner

Marianne Davitt

Marianne Davitt

Marie Martin

Marie Vaccaro

Marjorie Miller

Mary Wingate

Melanie Tuazon

Melissa Herboth

Micah Bremner

Michelle Cain

In Our Own Words Quilt by Kim Smith Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Photo credit: Kathy Hinkaty.

Mindy Ledbetter

Monique Disney

Nanette LaVerdeiere

Naomi Priester

Natalie Skinner

Neal + Kelly

Nicoletta Vallana

Pam Poling

Pam Poling (x25 for the strong women in her life)

Pasqualina Barazza

Pat Carroll

Rachael Heger

Rachel Boucher

Rose Harries

Roseanna Andrade

In Our Own Words Quilt by Kim Smith Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Photo credit: Kathy Hinkaty.

Roseanna Marzo

Ryland Luberecki

Sandra Markus

Sarah Goer

Sarah Hibbert

Sarah Jane Pepper

Sarah Ruiz


Severine Tompsett

Shelly Pagliai

Silvia Sutters

Steph Skardal

Stephanie Zachary Ruyle

In Our Own Words Quilt by Kim Smith Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Photo credit: Kathy Hinkaty.

Tara Celeste

Teresa Philbin

Theresa Ieonetti

Theresa Weiser

Terry Dimino

Tiffany Horn

Tiffany Marshall

Tina Craig

Turner Renick

Valerie Graf

Valerie Luberecki

Victoria LoFaso

Victoria Marie

Wanda Dotson

Yvonne Fuchs

In Our Own Words Quilt by Kim Smith Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Photo credit: Kathy Hinkaty.

I cannot thank you all enough for sending me your words and your stories. And I cannot thank you enough for trusting me to make this quilt. I share this with you today, on what would have been my grandma’s 101st birthday. Just as we lift one another up with our empowering words, she lifted me up with her love. Her story is my story, her soul is my soul, and her heart is the meaning behind Leland Ave Studios.

Please share this post with anyone that you know that may have contributed a word to this project. I am so grateful to you all for your support and your abundant positive energy. Thank you!

Photos by the incredibly talented Kathy Hinkaty @hinkkd.

In Our Own Words Quilt by Kim Smith Soper/Leland Ave Studios

Photo credit: Kathy Hinkaty.


  1. Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl November 27, 2018 at 5:41 pm

    What a joy to search through so many words in search for my own and find all this kindred spirits and sisters. Thank you.

    • December 4, 2018 at 12:55 pm

      Thank you Yvonne! I could definitely “feel” the presence of the community while working on this project.

  2. Shelly Pagliai November 27, 2018 at 7:25 pm

    Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this project!

    • December 4, 2018 at 12:59 pm

      Shelly, I can’t thank you enough for your contribution to this project. You brought such an incredible depth and texture! I’m so glad we were able to collaborate on it.

  3. Lisa November 28, 2018 at 7:28 pm

    It’s just beautiful Kim.

    • December 4, 2018 at 1:01 pm

      Thank you Lisa! I’m so thrilled to be able to represent so many of us strong women with this project.

  4. Danice December 3, 2018 at 3:41 am

    Oh how awesome! The quilt is so beautiful and meaningful. Thank you so much for doing the project. The woven fabrics are perfect, along with the reason for using them. Shelly did a wonderful job with the quilting. It was fun to locate my word, resolute. Blessings to you.

    • December 4, 2018 at 1:05 pm

      Thank you Danice! I really appreciate your kind words and feedback. I’m so thankful to the entire community that came together to participate and help be a part of this piece. And couldn’t agree more about about Shelly’s contribution! Her quilting is amazing.

  5. […]  She is an amazing artist and her curated bundle did not disappoint! Kim just finished the In Our Own Words quilt which is truly spectacular. Please take a […]

  6. Bernie December 14, 2018 at 8:02 pm

    You are so creative and very thoughtful. This project is really touching. I love reading all of the words chosen by the women who contributed. It is beautiful and what an amazing tribute to your grandmother.

    • December 21, 2018 at 1:31 pm

      You’re too amazingly kind Bernie! I’m so glad it came out the way it did. I definitely felt the responsibility to honor everyone’s contribution who took the time and effort to participate int the project.

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