pick-me-up tote

So, let me start this off by saying, sewing friends are the best!

I was having “one of those days” — for a lot of days in a row.  Nothing big. Just the stuff that makes the days longer and harder than expected. It happened gradually, and then there I was.  A Grumpy Grumperson.

So, I’m in this funk, and I go to the mailbox (picture me mumbling, grumbling, puttering down the driveway mid-afternoon in socks and a bathrobe — I wasn’t — but just picture it that way). Inside, there’s a package for me. And I get excited because I could tell it was the fabrics from the Tone It Down low-volume fabric swap. Michelle at From Bolt to Beauty (I’ve mentioned her blog here before) had already let us know that our packages were on the way. Instant lifting of the funktitude.

gif courtesy of justsammich

I get inside and I pull out the swap fabrics, which, in and of themselves are awesome (I should have a picture to share, but sadly, I forgot).  Probably because I was so surprised when I saw there was another package inside the envelope! I open up a pretty handmade card to see that Michelle had sent along a special little something just for me!


Totally unexpected. So thoughtful. And so, so pretty! Don’t you agree? How cute is the lining fabric?

pick-me-up tote

And with that, the fog rolled out, and my funk was lifted! That thoughtful gesture completely made my day! So, again, Michelle, I want to say a huge thank you for the gigantic spirit-boost on a day I totally needed it. And I hope anyone who sees this will check out her blog and send her some love! Tell her you dig her topstitching — it’s pretty fantastic, right?

pick-me-up tote

Seriously. The sewing/quilting community is the best!!

Linking up with Sew Cute Tuesday.